Brochure design | Mindham Wealth Advisory

In this 8-page guide, you’ll find a wealth of knowledge on retirement planning, designed to help clients confidently navigate the journey from the early stages to the final steps before retirement. This resource covers essential topics such as setting a retirement date, envisioning the ideal post-work lifestyle, maximizing savings, and managing debt. It also includes practical tips for organizing personal information, applying for benefits, and addressing healthcare needs, ensuring a smooth and well-prepared transition into retirement.
LOGO REDESIGn | hSB retirement planning

After a thorough design process and collaborative effort, we’ve crafted a logo that truly represents HSB’s commitment to modernity, professionalism, and excellence.
Oversized Trifold Brochure | Gateway Investment Services

The oversized format of the brochure allows for a generous amount of content to be displayed clearly and effectively. This ensures that the information is easy to read and not overcrowded.